
孙慧涌,特聘副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事计算机/人工智能辅助药物设计(CADD/AIDD)研究方向,迄今发表SCI论文100余篇,7篇第一作者论文入选ESI或扩展ESI高被引用论文(多篇论文单篇引用超过500次),论文引用总量超过8000次,H因子为39,相关第一作者和通讯作者论文发表于Chemical Reviews、Cell Reports Physical Science、JACS Au、Research、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、British Journal of Pharmacology、Analytical Chemistry等行业重要期刊中,承担纵向科研项目5项,入选斯坦福全球Top 2%科学家榜单(2020)。


(1)Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling(IF=5.6)青年编委

(2)Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences(IF=5.0)副主编(Associate Editor for Biological Modeling and Simulation)以及特刊编委,组织“Free Energy Calculation: Current Paradigms and Applications for Drug Discovery”专刊两期

(3)Molecules(IF=4.6)特刊编委,组织“Drug Design with Advanced Computational Strategies and Artificial Intelligence”专刊一期



(1) Qirui Deng, Zhe Wang, Sutong Xiang, Qinghua Wang, Yifei Liu, Tingjun Hou*, Huiyong Sun*, RLpMIEC: High-Affinity Peptide Generation Targeting Major Histocompatibility Complex-I Guided and Interpreted by Interaction Spectrum-Navigated Reinforcement Learning, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2024, 64, 6432-6449. (IF=5.6)

(2) Lingling Wang, Shu Li, Sutong Xiang, Huanxiang Liu*, Huiyong Sun*, Elucidating the Selective Mechanism of Drugs Targeting Cyclin-Dependent Kinases with Integrated MetaD-US Simulation, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2024, 64, 6899-6911. (IF=5.6)

(3) Qinghua Wang, Zhe Wang, Qirui Deng, Sutong Xiang, Rongfan Tang, Yang Yu, Tingjun Hou*, Haiping Hao*, Huiyong Sun*, Discriminating functional and non-functional nuclear-receptor ligands with a conformational selection-inspired machine-learning algorithm, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2023, 4, 101466. (IF=7.9)

(4) Rongfan Tang, Zhe Wang, Sutong Xiang, Lingling Wang, Yang Yu, Qinghua Wang, Qirui Deng, Tingjun Hou*, Huiyong Sun*, Uncovering the kinetic characteristics and degradation preference of PROTAC systems with advanced theoretical analyses, JACS Au, 2023, 3, 1775-1789. (IF=8.5)

(5) Yang Yu, Zhe Wang, Lingling Wang, Qinghua Wang, Rongfan Tang, Sutong Xiang, Qirui Deng, Tingjun Hou*, Huiyong Sun*, Deciphering the Shared and Specific Drug Resistance Mechanisms of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase via Binding Free Energy Computation, Research, 2023, 6, 0170. (IF=8.5)

(6) Lingling Wang, Lei Xu, Zhe Wang, Tingjun Hou*, Haiping Hao*, Huiyong Sun*, Cooperation of Structural Motifs Controls Drug Selectivity in Cyclin-Dependent Kinases: An Advanced Theoretical Analysis, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023, 24, bbac544. (IF=6.8)

(7) Sutong Xiang, Zhe Wang, Rongfan Tang, Lingling Wang, Qinghua Wang, Yang Yu, Qirui Deng, Tingjun Hou*, Haiping Hao*, Huiyong Sun*, Exhaustively Exploring the Prevalent Interaction Pathways of Ligands Targeting the Ligand-Binding Pocket of Farnesoid X Receptor via Combined Enhanced Sampling, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2023, 63, 7529-7544. (IF=5.6)

(8) Qinghua Wang, Zhe Wang, Sheng Tian, Lingling Wang, Rongfan Tang, Yang Yu, Jingxuan Ge, Tingjun Hou*, Haiping Hao*, Huiyong Sun*, Determination of Molecule Category of Ligands Targeting the Ligand-Binding Pocket of Nuclear Receptors with Structural Elucidation and Machine Learning, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2022, 62, 3993-4007. (IF=5.6)

(9) Yang Yu, Zhe Wang, Lingling Wang, Sheng Tian, Tingjun Hou*, Huiyong Sun*, Predicting the Mutation Effects of Protein-Ligand Interactions via End-Point Binding Free Energy Calculations: Strategies and Analyses, Journal of Cheminformatics, 2022, 14, 56. (IF=8.6)

(10) Rongfan Tang, Pengcheng Chen, Zhe Wang, Lingling Wang, Haiping Hao*, Tingjun Hou*, Huiyong Sun*, Characterizing the Stabilization Effects of Stabilizers in Protein-Protein Systems with End-Point Binding Free Energy Calculations, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, 23, bbac127. (IF=9.5)



